Møde i akkrediteringsrådet

Status of Institutional Accreditations

The plan for institutional accreditation has been approved by the Minister of Higher Education and Science and prepared in dialogue with the higher education institutions.

Below is an overview of all higher education institutions where the Accreditation Council has either made a decision on institutional accreditation or where a decision is expected soon. For each institution, you can see the Council’s latest decision and when the accreditation period expires. According to the Accreditation Act, a positive institutional accreditation is valid for 6 years, after which the institution must undergo institutional accreditation again. The Accreditation Council determines the duration of a conditional positive institutional accreditation (up to 3 years) and before the expiry of that period, there must be a follow-up where the Council makes a decision based on an additional accreditation report.

The overview is categorised by type of institution for the sake of clarity and is updated when the Accreditation Council makes new decisions. All decision letters and accreditation reports are in Danish.

Institutional accreditation of higher education institutions under the Ministry of Higher Education and Science

InstitutionDate of decisionDecisionNew decision on accreditation by
Copenhagen Business Academy09-06-2020Positive09-06-2026
Dania Academy12-03-2024Positive12-03-2030
IBA International Business Academy12-03-2024Positive12-03-2030
Business Academy of higher education MidWest03-06-2021Refusal - New plan for accreditation agreed
EA Business Academy SouthWest30-09-2021Positive30-09-2027
Business Academy Aarhus30-09-2021Positive30-09-2027
The Copenhagen School of Design and Technology24-11-2022Positive24-11-2028
Zealand Institute of Business and Technology18-06-2024Positive18-06-2030
InstitutionDate of decisionDecisionNew decision on accreditation by
Aarhus School of Architecture09-06-2020Positive09-06-2026
Kolding School of Design09-06-2020Positive09-06-2026
Royal Danish Academy - Architecture, Design, Conservation09-06-2020Positive09-06-2026
InstitutionDate of decisionDecisionNew decision on accreditation by
Fredericia School of Technology Management and Marine Engineering21-02-2023Positive21-02-2029
MARTEC - Maritime and Polytechnic College18-06-2024Positive18-06-2030
Teknika – Copenhagen College of Technology Management and Marine Engineering02-10-2019Positive02-10-2025
Svendborg International Maritime Academy - SIMAC07-06-2019Positive07-06-2025
Aarhus School of Marine and Technical Engineering27-09-2023Positive27-09-2029
InstitutionDate of decisionDecisionNew decision on accreditation by
Danish School of Media and Journalism01-06-2022Positive01-06-2028
University College Copenhagen03-02-2023Positive03-02-2029
University College Absalon03-06-2021Positive03-06-2027
University College Lillebælt21-02-2023Positive21-02-2029
University College of Northern Denmark02-03-2021Positive02-03-2027
University College South Denmark24-11–2022Positive24-11-2028
VIA University College27-09-2022Positive27-09-2028
InstitutionDate of decisionDecisionNew decision on accreditation by
Copenhagen Business School17-03-2022Conditional17-03-2025
Technical University of Denmark21-06-2021Positive21-06-2027
IT University of Copenhagen27-09-2022Positive27-09-2028
University of Copenhagen07-06-2019Positive07-06-2025
Roskilde University24-11-2022Positive24-11-2028
University of Southern Denmark02-03-2021Positive02-03-2027
Aalborg University12-03-2024Positive12-03-2030
Aarhus University24-09-2024Positive24-09-2030

Institutional accreditation of higher education institutions under the Ministry of Culture

InstitutionDate of decisionDecisionNew decision on accreditation by
The Royal Academy of Music, Aarhus/Aalborg17-03-2022Conditional17-03-2025
The Royal Danish Academy of Music17-03-2022Positive17-03-2028
The Schools of Visual Arts, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts27-09-2023RefusalNew plan for institutional accreditation to be agreed
Rhythmic Music Conservatory02-03-2021Positive02-03-2027
SDMK - Danish National Academy of Music (Odense/Esbjerg)17-03-2022Positive17-03-2028
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